Thursday, August 28, 2008

My final thoughts on NET11

Here I am concluding my NET11 studies with my own final thought and experience on my NET11 journey.

First of all a big great thanks to Cynthia, who is a wonderful teacher with lots of knowledge and understanding. I personally appreciate and thank her once again for the extension given for my concept assignment, without that extension I could not have finished my assignment and receive a flying colour.

When I started this online unit for the first time I thought this is going to be easy, but I let it go too long to start and then I struggled to catch up with other students who were way gone past me. Anyway in the middle I kind of caught up with my speed and did quite all right in the end.

Talking of the module itself I should say I did not know what I was doing when I did Module 1. I could not have completed it without those great helping posts in the discussion board. It was like learning another language for me.
Then when I moved to Module 2 I started to enjoy it because those are some things I practice in my real life too. Eg: Chat and Email.
I found Module 3 first task of HTML challenging. But I loved it.
Module 4 is excellent help for my future and present studies since I found out about all web search techniques and most of all about Boolean searching which is pretty good.
I stumbled on the last module that is module 5. I did not understand the question and the text in one read. I had to do my own search and findings before I could understand the meaning of Information ecology. Now I understand well.
Concepts assignment was very very informative and educative about web world and Internet communication.

My IQ level for sure has gone from zero to 80% on Internet communication. By regularly practicing some of what I learnt from this unit I hope to maintain or increase my IQ level.

Thank You and Good Bye NET11.

Information Ecologies

I come from a background where English is a second language. I only started studying in English for my University education. So I found this Module a bit difficult in understanding because of the high use of unknown English or computer words. So I have to understand first of all what is ecology and then what is information ecology as such. My findings as follows.

To my understanding ecology is a study of the connections between humans and interrelated environment. So Information ecology is a study of the connections between humans and computers as a ecosystem.

How might the metaphor of an 'ecology' impact on the way you think about, understand or use the Internet?

In this present era it is coming to a point where humans cannot live without Internets and world wide webs. It is so dominating that people think for their day to day functioning Internets are essential at work or home.

So studying of Internet as an ecology is ever changing process. Every day there is new developments and technological inventions happening around the world. By analysing the Internet in connection to humans needs and behaviour is considered essential. Internet is moving towards a era where people control the net rather net controlling the people which it use to be.

Introduction of face book, flickr and blogs etc are the ecosystems which shows the needs for the ecological research. At one stage Internet use to be a one way communication where by you provide information to the system now it is a two way communication where by you give and take. So I think we have to be consider ant about our society and people when using the Internet bearing in mind the information ecology concept.

How are the concepts 'information' and 'communication' understood within the framework of an 'information ecology'?

To my understanding information is the source data and Communication is the technology or medium used to transfer information. I guess so for a communication of message to be complete we should have both the source and a mode of transferring equipment. By that way information and communication are organism of information ecology.

Why don’t we talk of a ‘communication ecology’?

I guess communication will not happen without information. Exchange of information between sender and receiver is the main reason for communication so it is information which is leading to communication. Therefore it makes sense to call it information ecology rather than communication ecology.

I understand better now about ecology, information, communication and information ecology than when I started this module.

A good web site to read. "Towards an Information Ecology".

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Evaluating the Web

My summary version of Evaluating Web Site from the Ohio State University Libraries net tutor is as follows.

1.Purpose -
Advocacy (One Sided view)
Commercial (Promotion)
Reference/Information (Good for Assignment Referencing)

2.Author / Publisher -
Credibility of Author
Copyright to Publisher

3.Content –
Does it cover both views (Pros & Cons)
Is it updated regularly?

4.Recognition –
Tags by public bookmarks
Comments by readers
Referenced by others
Is it linked by any other credible sites?

Reference Retrieved 26 August 2008.

My selection of the web site evaluation:

Models in information behaviour research

This is a pretty good journal to read on about the different models in information behaviour. This journal not only gives the author's point of view but also discusses few of the other authors view points on information behaviour. The author has used different graphics to explain the process of information behaviour, information seeking behaviour, information processed at different levels, relationship between communication and information and finally a problem solving model.
These graphical explanation makes it easy to understand how the problems in information and communication at different levels has been solved by at different phases in time. The relationship chart of communication and information and the problem solving model simplifies the complex process of communication in a simple format. I would recommend this journal to anyone who does not know how communication takes place in a chain process and how feedback is important at every stage of communication of information.

The reliability and authority of the site / source / article -
We could rely on this journal for referencing purposes since it is a journal written for a University publication by T.D Wilson who holds a PHD.

The main ideas or subjects discussed in the article
The author has pretty much covered both views of the topic in discussion and he not only has given his view points but also has produced other authors models and figures for explanation and clarification.

The purpose for which the site was written (this might include any apparent external interest, intellectual motivation or contextual information)
I believe this journal is written for educational purposes for University of Sheffield students research purposes. This is a basis for their research in this topic.

1.In terms of your own future use, which 'body ' of information (ie. the original 'snapshot' of the site, or your own, annotated, analytical version) would be most useful to refer back to?

My annotated version would help me better understand what I have read and understood by the journal.

2.In term of external users (i.e. if you included this site as a hyperlink or resource on a website) which body of information would best help them judge if the site was useful or of interest to them?

I think to my knowledge if they are reading it through my blog or web site they would first read my version of it before even accessing through the hyper link. I think based on my review of the journal the reader might decide to view the link.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Organising search information task

Author - T.D. Wilson, PhD
Institution - Department of Information Studies, University of Sheffield
Abstract - Presents an outline of models of information seeking and other aspects of information behaviour, showing the relationship between communication and information behaviour in general with information seeking and information searching in information retrieval systems. It is suggested that these models address issues at various levels of information behaviour and that they can be related by envisaging a 'nesting' of models. It is also suggested that, within both information seeking research and information searching research, alternative models address similar issues in related ways and that the models are complementary rather than conflicting. Finally, an alternative, problem-solving model is presented, which, it is suggested, provides a basis for relating the models in appropriate research strategies.

Author - Christian Bauer
Institution - Curtin University of Technology
Abstract - In this paper future trends regarding Web-based interaction patterns are identified and put into the context of currently dominating communication models. The resulting evolution model is employed to illustrate potential approaches to developing Web Information Systems (WIS) matching the specific requirements and characteristics of each evolutionary stage. Cybernetic feedback loops are introduced to explain suitable WIS development approaches with an emphasis on communication and are applied to derive and evaluate the attributes of such approaches.

Author - Charmaine du Plessis
Institution - Informaworld
Abstract - Numerous studies about the Internet have already been conducted or are in the process of being conducted. However, after several years there still is no clear understanding of what form Web-based or on-line communication should take to make it really valuable to the consumer. The contribution of this article is its attempt to address the current contents of Web-based communication and to provide some ideas with regard to the shortcomings in this regard. It addresses the impact of the Internet on the South African society, the Internet as a new communication medium as well as its effect on organisational communication. It also argues that an on-line presence is no longer enough and that online customers want more value in terms of their online experience.

I did this task after I have submitted my assignment so I thought of another concept which I did not pick in the concept assignment to broaden my knowledge on the subject.
First I did a Google and Copernic searches and using bookmark buddy I bookmarked both the search results sites. Then as I went through the hits(links) I bookmarked the links I wanted. After finding three suitable URLs which I saved in my Bookmark Buddy programme I reopened the links and copy and pasted the relevant sections into my blog.

I have learnt lots of useful soft wares or tools in this module which I could use in all my other subjects and work purposes as well. Up until this module I print every single articles or journal I find on the web to reference for my assignments. But moving forward I guess I am going to work in a paperless form where I save anything and everything I want in the Bookmark Buddy programme.